Sunday 20 May 2012

Go Stormers!!

Well yesterday was a blast! We woke up early and went to the Old Biscuit Mill, which is kind of like a farmers market but with tons and tons of food and samples, not just veggies and fruits. So it was right up my alley!! And it is only on Saturdays! The tastes and smells of so many different spices, pestos, desserts, sandwiches, juice, teas, coffee, (the list could go on and on,) was unreal. I had a delicious juice it was called “green pick me up” and since my mom doesn’t know how to use her juicer, and it just sits and collects dust, I think it might go missing when I get home (just like the magic bullet!) haha But the drink was so good, I stopped by again on the way out and got another one! Another one of my favorite treats were these cute little pancakes with different flavor spices and syrups on them! Oh and the humus was to die for! The best I have EVER tasted in my life! I bought two tubs of it thinking it would last until next Saturdays market but I am already out of one. L

After the Old Biscuit Mill we went back to the Green Market. I think I knocked off my huge list of who to bring back something for so I am excited!! I got a lot more cute little treasures and did not improve my haggling abilities at all! But oh well, at least I am supporting the locals economy! J

The rugby game was the next event of the day! We cheered on the Stormers as they played their rival team I think. We also tailgated and cooked out before the game! I even talked our adventure guys into letting me help cook the sausages but I was removed from the job when I accidently dropped some on the ground! Oopsie!

Then we went out to this bar called Doublins, I wasn’t a fan, but it was neat to try it out. Everywhere is way to packed. You have to weave your way through people. I almost got robbed too! But one of the guys in our group caught him in the act of trying to unzip and take things from my purse. However one girl in our group did get her cell phone taken.

Today has been nice, just relaxing some and caught up on my sleep. I have been going going going so it was nice to have a more laid back kind of day! Then we have class later at 5:30 and a big group dinner together. I decided it was about time to do my laundry. For those who don’t know, my smart self only packed one normal bra and now I just realized not enough underwear either! Currently I feel like Gracie :P haha wearing my swim suite bottoms instead!! Haha sorry Grace, had to call you out! At least I didn’t go into too much detail! ;)  

I signed up for my extra adventure activities for the trip as well! I decided on taking surfing lessons, hiking and then repelling off of Table Mountain, bungee jumping from the world’s highest bungee jump, and the sunset champagne cruise at the end of the trip. Oh and something else I have noticed that is kind of interesting to me is that the food here goes bad so much faster than in America. Even salad leaves! Which just goes to show how much preservatives are in the food back in the states!

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