Friday 18 May 2012

Well, we I experienced my first night out in Cape Town, last night. It was a little intense to say the least. We went to this place called “Tiga Tiga.” It was kind of like a night club but it was located in a mall…. Very interesting concept. They had kind of a form of go go dancers dancing on the stage. The people there were very into PDA! A little too much if you ask me! The guys are extremely aggressive as well. Some of the guys and our driver, Ish, who watches over us when we go out, had to step in a few times and let them know to back off. One guy even bit this girl’s shoulder FOUR times! So odd.. But over all we all had an absolute blast and look forward to going back at least once more before the trip ends!

Class this morning was absolutely amazing. We talked about our values. We had a pretend auction where we made a list of our values and then narrowed it down to which ones we valued the most and we had to divvy our budget of $5000 amongst which ones we wanted to “win.”  I had a huge list and narrowed it down to ten, then went on from there. I took a bunch of notes on the lesson today but our journals are being graded over the weekend so I will include all my notes in here when I get it back! However my max money bid was placed on Loyalty but these are my three most important to me values:

My three strongest values were : 1. Loyalty 2. Forgiveness/Mercy and 3. Perserverance. Loyalty of course is what I prize the absolute most. I think a lot goes hand in hand with that. To be loyal to someone to me, means always keeping your word, staying faithful, and supporting those in your life that you love. In my eyes, without loyalty, you have nothing. It is the root of any kind of healthy relationship. I think this is why I have such strong relationships with my wonderful family and friends. I can honestly say that I feel like I would do anything for the people I love and always have their best interest at heart.

Forgiveness is my second most prized value because it’s obvious that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Looking at my life and the way I relate to it, is that I’m never mad nor hold grudges. I can not think of the last time I was truly mad at someone. Life is way to short to hold a grudge. If someone says sorry and genuinely means it, move on! There is no point in wasting the time or effort in being upset with someone. Not only that, but being upset or angry robs you from your own happiness!

Perseverance was my third most valued value. I wouldn’t say I am stubborn, well maybe a little bit, but I am a very determined individual. When I set my mind to something, whatever it may be, I will accomplish it. And that’s the bottom line! I know what it means to work really hard for something and not give up, despite the obstacles. If I start something, I’ll accomplish it.

Even though I was extremely tired and going off four hours of sleep I decided to go out with a bunch of girls to the green market in the city. It was a lot of fun but I am a terrible haggler! I feel so guilty and bad! Haha My dad is the BEST at haggling so maybe I should have taken some advice before I left. But I just feel terrible for being cheap with them. After the market, we went to Charly’s Bakery, which Opera calls it the best bakery in the world and she is definitely right! I ordered a slice of chocolate cake and it had real rose petals on it and was probably the best thing I have ever put in my mouth! Everything was so nicely decorated. The cakes and cupcakes look like they had glitter on them. I took a few pictures but the pictures just don’t do it any justice! Needless to say, I am sure I will be back daily!!

Tomorrow we are all tailgating for the Stormer’s Rugby game!! So I am extremely excited and looking forward to it!! J Go Stormers!! haha

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