Friday 1 June 2012

"Its a GREAT day to be ALIVE, the suns still SHINING when I close my eyes!"

Well, I know this has been way over due! But here is my best of trying to remember everything that has happened in this past week. Week three for the Bafanas was our education week. We spend the week visiting Robben Island, touring the vineyards, and exploring Cape Point.

While at Robben Island we got to learn a lot about Nelson Mandela and even see his own cell. The dog crate cells were bigger than the prisoner’s cells. It was really hard to understand the tour guide because of his accent. However his name was Zulu and was actually a prisoner there at the same time Nelson Mandela was. An interesting fact about Robben Island was that they allowed the prisoners so study and even gain a college degree from the university there on the island. Zulu also told us that the constitution for South Africa was actually formed there in this cave where the prisoners from different segments would get together to work on the rocks.

The next adventure we went on was to the Haut Espoir Vineyards. Here we learned about different ways to make wines and enjoyed tasting the different varieties. We also even got to have our own competition of who could formulate the best tasting wine. Our bottle was called “Splish and Slpash” and it came in 3rd out of 5th place. We also saw baboons on top of the roof! The vineyards were beautiful.

Wednesday night, however was my all time favorite night. I had my first drag show experience. We went to this place called “Beef Cakes” where the servers were topless over muscled college aged guys, the place was decorated with pink boas, and there were cute hats all over the tables. We walked in there only knowing our group and left with a ton of new best friends! The entertainer, he or she, (not sure what to call it) did a great job of getting everyone involved. The entire restaurant was dancing on tables together, singing, taking body shots, having jokes made, laughing our heads off, and being completely entertained!! At one point the entertainer stole Laurens purse and camera and ran outside the building into oncoming traffic (with the microphone) still singing and trying to take pictures of the cars that were coming her way. (I have posted pictures to my facebook if you want to see a FULL description!! Haha)

Today we toured Cape Point which is the most south western point of South Africa. We climb up thousands of feet high and was able to look over the ledge into the raging ocean. It made me really nervous for bungee jumping off the world’s highest bridge next week! We also got to see a lot of African penguins! They were adorable! Expect when they were changing from their fuzzy kid phase to their adult phase. But it was still cute either way.

I cannot believe this trip is almost over. We only have two weeks left and time has absolutely flown by! I am learning so much about myself, what I want out of life, where I see my future heading and what truly makes me happy! This trip has been all that I have expected it to be and so much more! Thank you mom and dad for all you have done for me and the way you both have raised me! I am one lucky and blessed girl!! J

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