Saturday 2 June 2012

Just some early morning reflecting! :)

Well I woke up early this morning to sit out on the porch and watch the sunrise. Waking up early and having coffee on the deck with my parents while reading the news paper is something that I honestly just realized how much I enjoyed. And yes—I miss it and them a good bit right now!!

The sunrise is over the beaches and is absolutely unreal. It is so peaceful, calm and serene. I love the mornings and wish I would take more time out of my day or plan around being able to wake up early and enjoy them. It is great time to get a lot of thinking or even reflecting done. (which, yes, of course that is what I have been doing.) There is a couple playing with their two dogs on the beach. The doggies are trying to chase the pigeons but they’re not very successful. Of course it instantly makes me think of my sweet little Riley and how much I miss him. The sight of the waves, the birds, the ships, and the smell of the clean, fresh but a little salty air along with the soft crashing sound of the waves on the shore has made me truly appreciate this beautiful city. I have made the decision that I will absolutely live on the beach, either when I retire, or once I have settled down and before I start a family or I will just be super successful and have a beach house too! J haha Either way, I will enjoy the beach to its fullest capacity, but in a calm, non touristy area. With all of this reflection time, I have really been able to learn so much about myself which in result, opens my eyes to what kind of purpose I want my life to have and the kind of person I want to spend it with (down the road of course though mom!).

Well enough of my morning thoughts! Yesterday was awesome! We started it off my enjoying The Old Biscuit Mill (my all time favorite place!) Mainly because it is like a huge costco with tons of samples everywhere and delicious smells and food everywhere!! I blame the OBM for my Cape Town 15! At least it is well worth it! I discovered frozen yogurt there yesterday, so of course I was in Heaven! Oh and they had my FAVORITE juice there as well!! Lauren and I have made quite a few friends with the owners of different booths, so it was very heartwarming when they remembered our names and waved us down from across the tent! We spoke some with a couple of other locals who shared with us some surfing tips! Today I will attempt my first surfing lesson so the insight was well appreciated!!

After the OBM, we traveled to the 2010 World Cup Stadium. This was AMAZING and something I had on my bucket list. Having such a love for the sport of soccer I naturally enjoyed every second of it. We toured every possible place in the stadium from the field to the holding cells to the locker rooms (yes, they had community showers!) (wouldn’t mind being a fly on the wall in there!!) haha half way kidding of course! As obsessed as I was with the stadium, Lauren definetly had a bigger appreciation for it. She claimed she is having her wedding there, which of course I was all for, because who wouldn’t want to come back to Cape Town! But she was very entertaining to watch having me take her picture literally every 10 steps! Oh and to even take pictures of the grass! Our tour guide must have thought “what silly Americans!”

Well the morning sun has definetly risen. So I guess that means it is about time for me to begin my day! I will be absaileing (which is like scaling down) Table Mountain. And then at 2pm I will be taking my chances in this FREEZING, shark infested water here (it is winter in Cape Town) and have my first surfing lesson!! J Hope everyone has a great day!!

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